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Jan 8
Why Quantity Doesn't Always Equal Quality: My Experience Reading 100 Books in a Year
I read 100 books in 2024. So What? Discover the surprising truth behind the race to meet reading goals and the impact on the joy of reading.

Jul 4, 2023
Shakespeare's 3 Play Types Based on the First Folio
See at-a-glance which of Shakespeare's plays are a comedy, history, or tragedy.

Dec 30, 2022
Measuring the Representation of Women in Fiction
The Bechdel-Wallace Test is a feminist way critique of art. By answering 3 key questions, you can evaluate if a work has rounded female char

Jan 7, 2022
Has the pandemic stolen your love of reading? Here are four ways to rekindle the love affair
Many say the pandemic has reduced their interest in reading. Here are a few tips to reignite your love of reading.
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