"...so I won't tell you what [Marilla] said we could have to drink. Only it begins with an r and a c and it's bright red colour. I love bright red drinks, don't you? They taste twice as good as any other colour" (Montgomery 158).

There are so many reasons why I chose to pair the classic cocktail, the Clover Club, with L. M. Montgomery's most famous novel Anne of Green Gables (1908):
A cocktail with raspberries is a must! One of the most memorable occurrences in the novel is when Anne accidentally gets her bosom friend, Diana, drunk on Marilla's wine, mistaking it for raspberry cordial. Of course, this leads Anne into the depths of despair as Mrs. Barry refuses to let Diana play with Anne any longer—however, the two are eventually reunited stronger than ever!
The "clover" in the name reminds me of all the magical Prince Edward Island settings Anne describes throughout the book. Who wouldn't want to visit the Dryad's Bubble or the White Way of Delight?!
I've added a hint of vanilla to the basic simple syrup that is usually used in this cocktail. I couldn't help myself! I was inspired by the passage where Anne bakes a cake for the minister's wife, Mrs. Allan, and accidentally uses liniment instead of vanilla.
So, here is a bright red drink to enjoy with the kindred spirits in your life.
Raspberry Syrup

1 cup of water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
1 TSP vanilla extract
In a saucepan, over medium heat, combine water and sugar, stirring until sugar is dissolved.
Then add raspberries and bring the mixture to a boil. Using a fork, muddle raspberries while turning the temperature to low. Keep over heat for five to six minutes, stirring regularly.
Once the raspberries have completely broken down, strain (I used my tea steeper that I had on hand) mixture. Use a fork or spoon to press down on mixture in the strainer to remove any seeds.
Add vanilla to syrup and let sit on the counter until cooled, then put in a jar and refrigerate.
The Clover Club Cocktail
With a liniment—I mean vanilla—twist!
1.5 oz gin
0.5 oz fresh lemon juice
1 oz raspberry simple syrup
1 egg white or 2 TBS Aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas)
Add all measured ingredients to a shaker, without ice—this will allow the egg white to froth—and shake vigorously.
Now add ice to the shaker and shake until well chilled.
Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with raspberries or a lemon peel twist!
You can definitely make this cocktail without the egg white, it just won't be as frothy and light in colour.
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